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Jane Harvey Berrick Goodreads


Sams Love Life is on the Rocks

Interview with Award Winning Multi-Genre Author Jane Harvey-Berrick

Sams Love Life is on the Rocks

Sam is a thirty-something woman who has been in a relationship with her boyfriend, Tom, for the past five years. They have been through a lot together, but lately, things have been tough. Sam is starting to feel like she is not sure if she is still in love with Tom. She is not sure if she wants to stay in the relationship or if she should move on.

In this interview, award-winning multi-genre author Jane Harvey-Berrick talks about the challenges that Sam is facing and offers advice on how she can make a decision about her future.

What are some of the challenges that Sam is facing?

Sam is facing a number of challenges in her relationship with Tom. These include:

  • They have been arguing more frequently.
  • They are not spending as much time together as they used to.
  • Sam is not sure if she is still in love with Tom.
  • She is not sure if she wants to stay in the relationship.

What advice would you give to Sam?

There is no easy answer to the question of what Sam should do. However, here are a few pieces of advice that may help her make a decision:

  • Take some time to think about what she wants out of a relationship.
  • Talk to Tom about her feelings.
  • If she is not sure if she wants to stay in the relationship, she could try taking a break.
  • If she decides to end the relationship, she should do so in a respectful and compassionate way.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to stay in a relationship is a personal one. However, by following these tips, Sam can increase her chances of making the best decision for herself.

